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2 revisions
lerivoir at Mar 18, 2017 05:47 PM


childhood that made her want to be a stripper as a little girl? [I didn't want to be a stripper as a little girl - now that's wrong. I wanted to be a stripper as a grownup.]
Well, let me tell you a slight situation that you overlooked in your advocacy of pornography. The pay doesn't go up and when you get older the yearly sum dips drastically. Oh, well, you can find a decent husband, right? Well, I dare you to tell this decent man what your college profession was. Maybe he'll understand, maybe he has no problem with sharing you with random people of the western world. Then again, if he is okay giving up what is solely his by right, what else won't he protect? [Boy, if that's an issue, what will he think when I ask him to fuck me up the ass?]
Then maybe we can take his perspective. He is decene\t and successful . . . does he choose girl A that is all his and promises to be faithful, or girl B who is currently lap dancing for a trucker. I think the decent choice is abundantly clear. There are other stories than portraying the lowest class of women as normal and, for me at least, there are other papers if the Texan ever promotes a dead-end road again. [Hey, housewives rank lower, they don't even get paid.]

Christopher Miller
Aerospace Engineering Junior

Student strippers
There are several forms of feminism, but for the most part, they all tale as their task the promotion of economic and social equality between the sexes through the identification and critical evaluation of forms and concomitant means of oppression. So, the standard of being "lady like" (read: deferential to the male authority, subservient and passive) tends to restrict the options available to women.

Women have traditionally been seen as less capable, as objects of exchange between men (their guardianship passing from father to husband), as only situated for the private sphere, and as male-owned sexual objects. Several of these sexist assumptions are present in Christopher Miller's letter. As a (prospective?) husband, Miller is most