GW#2 - p12 (11)


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11 revisions
ClaudiaDurand at Apr 07, 2017 11:47 PM

GW#2 - p12 (11)

Zeen Seen...

ALCOHOL DRUGS AND DRIVING #2: This issue is a reading oddessy. [sic] A perfect companion at 3am (the perfect time) at Ken’s Donuts (just about the only place open at 3am). Chock-full of intriguing articles & entertaining news clips. Both educational and motivational. Includes Bargain Bin (about neat things for free in the library or cheap at thrift stores), a Texas mass murderer profile, New England news on News-of-the-weird-style candid camera, a paranoid tale of credit bill collectors, a surprising survey by Parade magazine and instructions on how to build your own atomic bomb. Free and easy. (AD&D, C/O ALTERNITY PRODUCTIONS, PO Box D, Austin, TX 78713-8904.)

APATHY TREND #14: I haven’t read many of these, but I sense a really straightforward attitude. It gets a little hardcore for my taste every once in a while, but basically it’s got some great reviews (mostly by Chuck) and a quote at the beginning of each just to kinda
get you on track. So read this bitch & learn something. Free, too. (A-Trend; 912-A W. Elizabeth, Austin, TX 78704.)

GEEK WEEKLY #2: Meatier than the first issue. Written
at a frantic pace & botched in places as a result. Apparently the author will be giving issues away for 25¢ each (or will trade for just about anything) instead of the 50¢-rip-off of an initial charge (for 1st issue). Back issues available upon request.

[image of a hot dog in a bun with onions]

(Jennifer/Geek Weekly, 2715-A HEMPHILL PK AUSTIN, TX 78705|2715-A Hemphill Pk. Austin, TX 78705.)

more —>

GW#2 - p12 (11)

Zeen Seen...

ALCOHOL DRUGS AND DRIVING #2: This issue is a reading oddessy. [sic] A perfect companion at 3am (the perfect time) at Ken’s Donuts (just about the only place open at 3am). Chock-full of intriguing articles & entertaining news clips. Both educational and motivational. Includes Bargain Bin (about neat things for free in the library or cheap at thrift stores), a Texas mass murderer profile, New England news on News-of-the-weird-style candid camera, a paranoid tale of credit bill collectors, a surprising survey by Parade magazine and instructions on how to build your own atomic bomb. Free and easy. (AD&D, C/O ALTERNITY PRODUCTIONS, PO Box D, Austin, TX 78713-8904.)

APATHY TREND #14: I haven’t read many of these, but I sense a really straightforward attitude. It gets a little hardcore for my taste every once in a while, but basically it’s got some great reviews (mostly by Chuck) and a quote at the beginning of each just to kinda
get you on track. So read this bitch & learn something. Free, too. (A-Trend; 912-A W. Elizabeth, Austin, TX 78704.)

GEEK WEEKLY #2: Meatier than the first issue. Written
at a frantic pace & botched in places as a result. Apparently the author will be giving issues away for 25¢ each (or will trade for just about anything) instead of the 50¢-rip-off of an initial charge (for 1st issue). Back issues available upon request.

[image of a hot dog in a bun with onions]

(Jennifer/Geek Weekly, 2715-A HEMPHILL PK AUSTIN, TX 78705|2715-A Hemphill Pk. Austin, TX 78705.)

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