Page 76


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5 revisions
martinar317 at Oct 29, 2018 07:43 PM

Page 76

a detachment of 75 men under
Capt Ike Turner of the 5th (from
Polk Co) were sent out and fought
the Yanks several hours. By
night we had gained such an
advantage over the Yanks and
Magruder had charged and
carried Malvern Hill and
about 10 [pris.?]. McLelland [situated?]
ed for Harrisons Landing on
James river where his ["gunboat"?]
[?] awaiting to [protect?] the shat-
tered remnants of his once proud
army. Mj Lieut Huger with his Div
had orders two days before to take
a position between McLelland
and James river, thereby insure-
ing the capture of the whole Yan-
kee army but he, as he had

Page 76

a detachment of 75 men under
Capt Ike Turner of the 5th (from
Polk Co) were sent out and fought
the Yanks several hours. By
night we had gained such an
advantage over the Yanks and
[Mag?] had charged and
carried Malvern Hill and
about 10 [pris.?]. McLelland [situated?]
ed for Harrisons Landing on
James river where his ["gunboat"?]
[?] awaiting to [protect?] the shat-
tered remnants of his once proud
army. Mj Lieut Huger with his Div
had orders two days before to take
a position between McLelland
and James river, thereby insure-
ing the capture of the whole Yan-
kee army but he, as he had