


Status: Complete


perhaps allied to hallucination, while it is common experience
that an increase of the intensity of a sensation due to an
increase of the rate of physical expenditure of energy ("power" or "action") there
is a consequent considerable increase of vividness. It is possible directly
to distinguish between intenseness and vividness, although they are
less readily distinguished than is the luminosity, or true intensity of a light-sensation from the chroma, or height of color, or depar-
ture from grey.

2. There is no phenomenon in the relation between the vividness
of a feeling and its causes that corresponds with that discontinuity in the relation
between the intenseness of the feeling and its cause, the excitation,
which is called the 'threshold' or 'Schwelle', of the sensation (or, less
properly, of the excitation.) With diminished attention, the feeling

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