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3 revisions
gnox at May 07, 2018 06:14 PM



of graphs of graphs says nothing at all about
the graphs considered being representations
of graphs but merely defines the graphs representing the sheet of assertion,
a cut, its area, a line of identity, and
so forth, in terms of their logical relations to
one another.

The theory of graphs of graphs rests upon
a larger number of independent hypotheses
than do most branches of pure
mathematics. I divide these hypotheses
into those which relate to physical possibilities
and necessities and those which relate to
permissions and prohibitions. The former
class, about thirty in number, are
all expressible in alpha and beta graphs.



of graphs of graphs says nothing at all about
the graphs considered being representations
of graphs but merely defines the graphs representing the sheet of assertion,
a cut, its area, a line of identity, and
so forth, in terms of their logical relations to
one another.

The theory of graphs of graphs rests upon
a larger number of independent hypotheses
than do most branches of pure
mathematics. I divide these hypotheses
into those which relate to physical possibilities
and necessities and those which relate to

permissions and prohibitions. The former
class, about thirty in number, are
all expressible in alpha and beta graphs.