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3 revisions
gnox at Mar 21, 2018 02:07 PM



have this distinction clearly in mind.
I do not mean to say that [it] is usually important
to hold this distinction clear in regard to any collection
that we may happen to speak of; but I mean
that for certain purposes it is indispensibly necessary.
Whatever sam there may be to whose members, and to them alone,
any sign applies, to is called the breadth
of the sign. This word breadth, originating with
the Greek commentators of Aristotle, has passed
into our vernacular. We speak of a man of
broad culture. That means culture in many
fields. Breadth of mind is the character of
a mind that takes many things into account.
If a man has broad and deep learning, the breadth
consists in how many different subjects he is
acquainted with, and the depth in how much
he knows about whatever subject he is acquainted
with. Now the breadth of a descriptive appellation has
an essence, or Imputed Firstness,
which is the signification, or Depth, of the



have this distinction clearly in mind.
I do not mean to say that [it] is usually important
to hold this distinction clear in regard to any collection
that we may happen to speak of; but I mean
that for certain purposes it is indispensibly necessary.
Whatever sam there may be to whose members, and to them alone,
any sign applies, to is called the breadth
of the sign.