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2 revisions
laika at May 01, 2018 09:55 AM



that I have no thought it proper to count it as a cinvention of this system that of graphs of no feature of graphs which is mentioned in the conventions has any significance; beacuse this is a matter of course in all conventions relating to all subjects.
For example, we have said nothing in our conventions about the shape or size of lines of identity or of seps.
Consequently, it makes no difference what their shapes and sizes may be.

Convention No 10 requires a few words of introduction.
I yhave called your attention to the fact that the graphist and the interpreter necessarily have some common experience and firm belief and understand one another to have it.
That may be regarded as expressed by the blank sheet of assertion before anything is written upon it.
Any graph which should merely assert any past of that common basis, as a dot standing alone, for example,