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2 revisions
laika at Apr 30, 2018 03:33 PM



Here the scroll with its contents is scribed on the sheet of assertion, and asserts the conditional proposition de inesse.
But the two members of that proposition, the antecedent and the consequent, are cut off from the sheet of assertion by the line of the scroll.
I may mention that no significance is attached to the fact that the line crosses itself.
That is a mere convenience in drawing it.
The essential feature of the scroll it consists of two closed lines one inside the other.
Each of these lines is called a sep and the space within it its close.
The word enclosure will be used to mean the sep together with whatever is in its close.
The enclosure, therefore, is a replica of a graph, that is the expression of a proposition in this system.
Namely, it is the sep, considered not as a mere chalk mark but as a sign which refers to what is in its close.
The agreement to understand the scroll as the sign of a conditional proposition de inesse constituses Convention