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2 revisions
kheilajones at Oct 27, 2018 05:38 PM


IV 11
what is that he is seeking. The whole doctrine of logic depends upon that to a degree one would hardly foresee. The best way will be to go back to the beginning and inquire what it is that we can be content to wish for independently of any ulterior result. For the discssions of the moralists, who have not had logic in view are not altogether adequate for our needs. In this inquiry we are not to look for any leading to psychology; for the anatomy and physiology of the mind, or of the brain, though they may furnish a hint now and then, can after all now tell us that anything is desirale, except for some reason, while what we wish to know is what is desirable without any reason. Psychology might , it is true, discover that there is no way whatever in which certain things could become objects of desire; but it can only make such a discovery by relying upon direct