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2 revisions
laika at Mar 20, 2018 02:58 PM


Logic 53

On Metaphysics

4th Some works make it the bosat of their systems of logic use the same method though they rather keep the fact in the background despite the good ring of saying that one's logic is philosophical.
Only if logic is to be a pavillion on the roof of metaphysics then metaphysics cannot conveniently be made an upper storey of logic as Aristotle and Kant the two greatest of metaphysical systematizers wouls have it to be.
To me it seems that metaphysics not founded on the science of logic is of all branches of scientific inquiry the most shaky and insecure and altogether unfit got the support of so important a subject as logic which is in its turn to be used as the support of the exacted sources in their deepest and greatest questions.
Some of the most celebrated logics however are written from the points of view of metaphysical sects.