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2 revisions
laika at Mar 16, 2018 12:15 PM


Logic 26 on the light of nature.

reason called the "light of nature" to distinguish it from the "light of grace" which comes by revelatio, has been the opinion entertained by the majority of careful logicians.

The phrase "light of reason", or itd near equivalent, may probably be found in every literature.
The 'old philosopher' of china, Lao-Tze, who lived in the VI century B.C, says for example, "Where useth reason's light, and turneth back, and goeth home to its enlightenment, surrendered not him persons perdition. This is called practising the eternal."
The doctrine of a light of reason seems to be inwrapped in the old Babylonian philosophy of the first chapter of Genesis, where the Godhead says, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
It may, no

Lao-Tse's Tao-Teh-King. By Paul.Carns. Chicago: 1898. Chapter lii 33.