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2 revisions
jasirs94 at Nov 25, 2016 09:51 PM


Classification of the Sci

lem of making such a machine to carry three men and their stores and to be worked by one, and who has the moderate means required will succeed at once,—off hand. It is a pity that men should be so stupid as to postpone doing this until all the problems of geography are solved.

2. We now come to the still more complex subject of the Operation of Transportation. This may be divided in the same manner as construction into

a. Transportation on land.

b. Transportation by water.

c. Transportation through the air.

2a. The sciences of the operation of transportation on land are those of Riding and Driving on the one hand and of Railway Operation on the other, the latter of course being infinitely complicated.

2b. The operation of transportation by water includes (since navigation has been classed with surveying) only Seamanship in all its branches, and Precautionary