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2 revisions
jasirs94 at Nov 25, 2016 08:35 PM


Classification of the Sci.

have outlived their rationability and which the rationalist would throw upon the garbage-heap of exploded superstitions, if this instinct did not rescue them and turn them to the service of society.

The Gore Instinct, the instinct of combat and ruthless destruction, is the most strenuous of all the instincts. It has much affinity with the Getting instinct and like that has two varieties, the adventurous, glorious variety, mostly aggressive, notwithstand[ing] Marathon, Thermopylae, and other splendid gests, and its self-controlled butchering variety. Irascibility, captiousness, contrariness are effects of the Gore instinct.

The Gamic instinct is the instinct which causes the production, rearing, and training of children and other pets. It is the most elevated of the Civicultural instincts.

The Grouping Instinct is the general intellectual instinct, which causes all association and associational suggestion, all generalization, classification, grouping, and systematization, all imitation of oneself or of others, all habit-forming and habitual action, all ardor of pursuit,