Purcell, Pierce F., 1881–1968


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3 revisions
John B Howard at May 14, 2017 04:39 AMRevision changes

Purcell, Pierce F., 1881–1968

http://www.ucd.ie/merrionstreet/1940_leaders.html "Pierce Purcell was professor of civil engineering in UCD from 1909 to 1953. He urged greater involvement of engineers in policy-making for public projects in Ireland and earned national renown through his advocacy of peat fuel development. Purcell was a member of the Industrial Research Council and chairman of the Alliance and Dublin Consumers' Gas Company, and worked on the redesign of Butt Bridge in central Dublin in the early 1930s. Later in his career he was one of the key negotiators in UCD's efforts to secure a new campus. He was also one of the country's leading golf administrators."

Purcell, Pierce F.

http://www.ucd.ie/merrionstreet/1940_leaders.html "Pierce Purcell was professor of civil engineering in UCD from 1909 to 1953. He urged greater involvement of engineers in policy-making for public projects in Ireland and earned national renown through his advocacy of peat fuel development. Purcell was a member of the Industrial Research Council and chairman of the Alliance and Dublin Consumers' Gas Company, and worked on the redesign of Butt Bridge in central Dublin in the early 1930s. Later in his career he was one of the key negotiators in UCD's efforts to secure a new campus. He was also one of the country's leading golf administrators."