


Status: Complete

very little coolant was lost. Your
"angel" was flying with you that day.
Some were so lucky while others ran
out of luck such as Poindexter who lost
coolant and caused crash landing.
35 Living at Raydon
Life at Raydon was very good. We
had only one air raid alert that I
remember. That was just one enemy aircraft
and the British took care of him. We
did have buzz bombs. Once when Lord
Haw Haw came on he informed us they would
take care of Raydon on the route to London.
They did try but none hit the base. There
was one V-2 that exploded over base.
The English people around the base were
very nice to us. The majority of us tried
to be good neighbors.
36 Leave / Pass Raydon
Leaves and passes from Raydon were mostly
to London - Occasionally to Colchester or
Ipwich. Once a buddy and I took a trip
to Edinburgh, Scotland going on over into
the Welsh Country. I am unable to
understand the Welsh language.
37 Two Years in England celebration
Finally the Germans quit! Out
two years in England Party was something
else! We were to have had baby beef-
We had the Steers, killed and
ready to cook. The weather turned
hot. We had to refrigerate the beef.

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