p-1 1881 YH Descriptive Pamphlet

p-1 1881 YH Descriptive Pamphlet




8 Time marker for revolving light. Gauge (250 grain measure) for regulating the overflow of oil through burner. Spare lamp ready for use. One Rod lamp ready for use. One Curtain-hanger for putting up and taking down lantern curtains. One Heater, (if required) Not required Spare-lamp cover. Lamp stand. Mechanical lamp cords or chains. Revolving machinery cords or chains. Revolving machinery weights. Clutch for resting weight on Spare fly or governor Gauge for oil cistern of lamp. One Feather brushes. Three Linen towels. Ten Sponges. Three Chamois skins. Six Scissors. Two straight and two curved Chimney-lifters. One Coupling-plyers. One pair Service basket and implements. One service basket with all the necessary implements. Cleaning materials. Rooter stone, Rouge, whiting, spirit wine etc. Keeper’s aprons, &c., (see list.) Six aprons Closets In Tower How fitted and used. There are no closets in the tower. The closets in the oil-house (which is at the base of the tower) are fitted up with shelves and close fitting doors. All the small articles of such as wicks, towels, lens covers xc are kept in them.

Last edit about 7 years ago by Wjhoward


9 Oil Room Or Cellar. Describe where placed and how fitted. The oil-house is located within six feet of the tower and connected to it by a narrow passage. It is divided into two rooms; in one the oil butts are placed on cast iron stands covered with wood in the other room are closets for curtains, lens covers etc. Regulation 100 gallon oil butts—number. Ten Regulation 50-gallon oil butts—number. One 10 gallon oil cans—number. One Oil butts—how placed. On cast-iron stands; tops of stands covered with wood. Closets And Storerooms. Where placed, how fitted and used. All the supplies are stored in the oil-house in closets and on shelves. Damp or dry, suited or unsuited to the purposes for which they were designed. Dry and suited to the purposes for which they were assigned. Fog Signal. Describe in detail, embracing— Kind and character of instrument. Characteristic distinction of.

Last edit about 7 years ago by Wjhoward


10 Location, with reference to the light-house, to a particular danger or channel, or to the special object for establishing it.

Distance from the lighthouse. Water supply for it. How it is reached from the lighthouse. Kind and size of fog signal building or buildings.

Dwellings For Keepers Location, with reference to the light-house tower. The keeper’s dwelling is located 70 feet east from the light-house tower. Double tenant and two stories high. Materials of which built. Wood Number of rooms in each dwelling. Six Number of keepers and assistants to each dwelling. Two in one, one in the other Out houses. Wood houses, privies and stable Paths or walks on the premises. Gravel walk around the dwelling and from dwelling to tower. Area of premises enclosed, and how. W board fence runs across the point of the cape from south shore to the north shore, enclosing the entire site. The keepers dwelling is also enclosed by a neat picket fence. Area of garden. About one acre.

Last edit about 7 years ago by Wjhoward


11 Area in timber or shrubbery. None Area susceptible of profitable cultivation. About one acre. Area cultivated or prepared for cultivation. About one acre. Character of adjacent surrounding country—soil sandy, clay, marsh, swamp, wood, fast ground, or shifting sands. The soil is a dark clayey loam, covered with grass. No shrubbery or trees. Distance to the nearest post office. Five miles Distance to the nearest village or town. Five miles to Newport on Yaquina Bay Facilities for reaching the light-station by public conveyance. None Facilities for reaching the light-station by private conveyance from the nearest village, town, railroad station, or steamboat landing, and the distance. The light station can be reached from the town of Newport on Yaquina Bay. Distance five miles. Water For Drinking and Domestic Uses Generally. How procured. From the roof of keeper’s dwelling. Quality. Good Quantity ample of not for the station at all seasons of the year. Ample Liable or not to be injured by the inroads of storm tides and seas. Not liable to injury by storm tides and seas. If rain water in tanks or cisterns, what precautions have been taken to insure its purity. The water is stored in brick underground cisterns. They are usually cleaned out once a year. Capacity of tanks or cisterns, and where placed. One cistern, capacity 11,000 gallons, placed near the rear of keeper’s dwelling. Tanks or cisterns—of what materials made. One under-ground cistern built of brick and cement.

Last edit about 7 years ago by Wjhoward


12 If from a well, describe and give depth. Diameter. Lined or not. Water obtained by pump or bucket. Distance from keeper’s dwelling. Pump: W.B. Douglas No. 2 closed spout kitchen assistant’s quarters “ “ “ No. 2 “ “ “ Keeper’s “ A.V.W. Donald/Outage No. 2 Kitchen spout outside cistern east side The sewing co. No. 4 “ “ “ “ “ west “ Health Of The Light-Station And Vicinity. General opinion in regard to the healthiness or unhealthiness of the light-station and vicinity. The general opinion is that it is good. Diseases—what are the most prevalent at the station and in the vicinity. No prevalent diseases of the station or in the vicinity. Do they prevail at particular seasons of the year or not? Are there any local causes, such as swamps, marshes, etc., in the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse which are likely to be the cause of these diseases?

Last edit about 7 years ago by Wjhoward
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