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Status: Needs Review

her favor for Divorce against Nelson- At what time the
trial was had in Court, at what time the same was
acted where by the Legislature-
2nd You have been asked whether Jacob, Ann & Beck
did not go back into the possession of your father
from Complainant- State where Nelson was at that
time and when they did go back into the poessess-
-ion of your father- State when was Complainant
there- Did not Complainant go back to her fathers
House about the time the negroes went back, and did
she not continue to reside or live at your father's
house up to the time of her second marriage-
with Complainant Betts- & whether you do not know or
have not heard your father or Complainant say
that said negroes were taken back to your fathers
house in order to prevent Nelson from getting or
controlling them-
3rd You have been asked about seperate prop-
erty by deed, were you present when any deed or
declaration of intention was made by your father in
favor of Complainant- State about what time the
same was made- State the time of your father's
death- where he died- what is the distance from
the County of Morgan where your Uncle John Walker
resided to the Court House in Burke County- Did
Betts ever address your Sister the Complainant in Burke
or was not the Courtship & Marriage in Morgan County
or where- State whether or not you were present
at the marriage between Complainant & Respondent
Betts, when was the same solemnised
4th Can you state from your own knowledge
that either of the Respondents had any notice before
the marriage of Betts & Complainant that the negroes
in controvercy were claimed as the seperate property
of Complainant- if you can, state how you knew
it as to each of Respondents- how, when & in whose
presence and hearing they had any such notice
And at what particular place was not
your father pleased with the said marriage-

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