Woodruff New Documents

1835 Southern Converts

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1837-39 Eastern States Mission

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1840 British Converts

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There are no subjects for the category selected

Bishops in Letters

There are no subjects for the category selected

CBD (Can't Be Deciphered)

There are no subjects for the category selected

CBI (Can't Be Identified)

There are no subjects for the category selected

CBM (Can't Be Mapped)

There are no subjects for the category selected

Eminent Men and Women

There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected

Historical Figures

There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected

II (Incomplete Identification)

There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected

Native Americans

There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected


There are no subjects for the category selected

Scriptural Figures

There are no subjects for the category selected

Stationery Header

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Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society(135)

Unverified Places--TAG in FTP and ADD to Database as a Place

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Unverified Topics

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Zion's Camp

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