Hering's Expositions to the first of Samuel, Estimate of
the Religion of the fashionable world, Economy of human
life, Johnsons lives & vols. Christian Hero, Hindu
Philosopher, Jenyn's View of the internal wideness of
Christianity, Wilberforce on Practical Christianity, Cow-
pers poems, God's Challenge to Infidels, The Guardian,
Village Sermon's, Hudbras, Grove on the Lord's sup-
per, Sentimental Journey, Beauties of Stearn, Young
night thoughts, Adams astronomy, Life of Dr. Dod-
dridge, Miscellany = 22 Vols.
Wed. 22. Writing. Mama & Mrs. E. Kimball at Dea. Poor.
attended them to Bradford.
Th. 23. Rode to Haverhill with mama, called Mr.
Howe's, Mr. Varnum's in Bradford at Mr. S. Gs.
Capt. W. Mr. E. Kimball's, returned to Haverhill
and spent the evening with a party of ladies &
Gents - Capt. W. Very sociable.
Fri.24. In the morning rode to Mr. P. Gage's with Elison,
thence to Andover, called at Dea. Poor's, dea. Abbot's
Mr. Newman;s, Mrs. Phillips', Parson French's, John
Farrar, Dr. Osgood, returned to Mr. Gages to dine
then to Mama's, afterward called upon my
sisters at Capt. W. spent the night with Mr. Greele.
Sat. 25. To mama's in the morning. Reading Watt's
Lyric poems. Attended the funeral of Harriet W.
Sun. 26. Listened to Mr. Newman. "But they made
light of it." Dust thou art &c spend the
noon with Mr. Newman & Greele at Parson
Mten's - after meeting with them at the Par-
sont - and at Mr. E. Kimballs - finished
reading Watts L. Poems.
Mon. 27. Finished reading the Literary Miscellany.
Tues. 28. Left Bradford at 5 1/2 AM with a view of at-
tending communion at Cambridge.
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God's challenge to infidels to defend their cause, illustrated and applied in a sermon, delivered in West-Springfield, May 4, 1797, by Joseph Lathrop
A view of the internal evidence of the Christian religion. [One line from Acts] / By Soame Jenyns, Esq.
Jenyns, Soame, 1704-1787.
Publication [1780]