David Kimball Diary 1803-1804



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Lectures 9
Extracted from Dr. Johnson preface to Shakespeare's Tempest 14
John L. Adams added to our class at last public examination 17
Diodorus's argument to prove that there is no such thing as motion 18
Dr. Blaire's disquisition on the power of Opium 22
Dr. Tappans valedictory to my class 26
Horne Tooke's Diversions of Purley 27
Professor Webber's last lecture 28
Professor Pearson's last lecture 29
Oration, pronounced at Brandford on the 4th of July 1803 30
Observations on the Coquette 32
Character of Dr. Tappan 36
Performances of my class at commencement 39
Catalogue of classmates 41
The Book wh. I read while at the university inserted between the 42nd and 43rd pages 45
Sickness of E.G. 45
Entered upon the duties of assistant at Phillips Academy Andover 43
Visit at Exeter 49
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Extract from a letter occasioned by the death of my friend & classmate Hodges 53
Death of young Tollman 57
Mr. French's sermon on repentance & conversion 59
Mr. French's sermon on sacred prayer 60
Dr. Morses sermon on these words 'there is a rest for the people of God' 63
Examination of Phillips Academy 66
Reflections on leaving the office of assistant 66
Books read while assistant orator 67
Sensations occasioned by attending commencement at Cambridge the year after I was graduated 68
The time when & the object for whch Phillips Academy was founded 69
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Diary for 1803


1 Sat. A. M. in school. P. M. went to Haverhill with Master G. Osgood. an agreeable visit at Dr. Sattonstall's. Spent the night at mamas.

2 Sun. Attended Parson Allen's meeting. His text was. "By faith mother, when he was come to "years, refused to be called the son of Pharoah's "daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction "with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season." Heb. 11.24-25: "But "this I say, brethren, the time is short" 1 Cor. 7.29

3 Mon. In school. Eve visited at Mr. Asa Gage's with Mr. P. Gage, Mr. Johnson, and brother Daniel. Very cold riding. Very good visit.

4 Tues. In school. Art of Reading. Company at Mrs. Savory's and Mr. Retiah Parker and Lady.

5 Wed. In school. Finished the Art of Reading, a book, well calculated for schools. Visited at Mr. Silas Penny's. Mr. Penny a sensible man.

6 Thurs. In school. Reading Harris' Hermes

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January, 1803

7 Fri. In school. Reading Harris' Hermes. Eve. comes.

8 Sat. Do. Do. Read Dr. Blair's sermon on the benefits derived from the house of mourning. Eccl. on the divine government of the passions of men. John 76.10.

9 Sun. Attended meeting. Mr. Dutch. "For of him "and to him, and thro' him are all things." Rom. 11.36 Read Dr. Blair on the inheritance of religious knowledge; the true honor of man; Prov. 4.8; on sensibility, Rom. 12.15; on the improvement of time, Gen. 47.8; on the duties belonging to middle age, II Cor. 13.11.

10 Mon. In school. Reading Hermes.

11 Tues. Do. Do. Eve. at Mr. P. Gage's

12 Wed. Do. Do.

13 Thurs. Do. Finished Harris' Hermes. Mr. Harris the Newton in the philosophy of language.

14 Fri. In school. Read part of Maria William's letters. An infant child found in Meramack river near Esq. Russels! The jury's verdict "murder by a person or by persons unknown"!

15 Sat. In school. Finished Maria William's letters. These letters, written in a very pleasing, elegant stile, while she was in France, contain

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January, 1803

a great variety of interesting information concerning the most inportant events, that have lately occurred in that country.

16 Sund. Attended Parson Dutch's meeting. Text "Prepare to meet thy God." Amos 4.12. Read Dr. Blair on death. Ecc. 12.5; on the progress of vice 1 Cor. 15.33.

17 Mon. In school. Read part of the Vagabond.

18 Tues. Do. Finished the vagabond!!!!

19 Wed. Do. Eve at mama's. Ladies and gentlemen.

20 Thurs. Do. Eve and the Rev. [?]n's. Ladies from Andover Avademy. Miss Webster, Miss Little, Miss C. Kittridge, two Miss Porters. Saltonstall, Varnum &&& Where so much beauty and good sense are collected, there must be happiness.

21 Fri. In school. Read Dr. Blair on Fortitude, Psalm 27.3; on envy 1 Cor. 13.4; on idleness, Matt. 20.6; sense of the divine presence, Psalm. 73.23. Spent the evening very sociably at Dea. Tenny's.

22 Sat. A.M. In school. Read Dr. Blair on Patience Luke 21.19. P.M. with G. Osgood went to Andover

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