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Letter from William Chauncey Fowler
country before long. I believe that you might try so doing contribute very [maturally?] to the advancement of the Missionary cause? The missionary spirit is eviden[t]ly increasing but it ought to increase a hundred fold.
I have an unexpected opportunity of sending this by Rev Mr Robertson with whom you will be notified to form an acquaintance as a fellow laborer in the vineyard of our land. If it is not too much to expect. I should be very much gratified by a letter from you. My heart is some toward, you as ever though my relations in life have been constantly increasing. Dont entirely give up you old correspondent. I should write little longer but after nine oclock in the evening is my only opportunity. My affectionate [?] to this Bird, in which Mrs Fowler joins Your Brother William C Fowler
Letter from Benson John Lossing to Fitz-Greene Halleck
If you have honored me with a peep into my past you have presumed that I am notorious for notes explanatory, and it may be, notes in [?]. I have just renewed my acquaintance with Jim [?] Redfield's very next [?] of your children of [?] years, and for the fourth time have fallen in love with your Fanny though she "was younger once, than she is now, and Fanny being notable, I desire to annotate her. Will you oblige me by informing me in what year she was born in your "imagination"? I do not not wish you to "get yourself in trouble by revealing A secret of this sort" only tell me the date of the poem. I am a Knickerbocker, "born out of [?] - Dutch to the core, but a [?] of the city only 13, 14 years thru a man alluded to in Fanny whose [?] I cannot "locate." Well you have the Kinders to inform me who the following named gentlemen were (or are, if they are living?) Lynch [?] xxlll, Bristed 25, Pell 39, Bogart 49, Gautin 52 (crossed out 110), Miller Pell & Dr. Graham 61 McIntyre 64, Mergo Windown 66, John McCourt 102, Eastburn's rooms 145. I know this, from a stranger, who has pressed your hand but once, (in Harpers a few months ago), is making very free, and is asking a great deal from [?] and [?], [ ? heat.] I plead in excuse, my love for Fanny, and "the way I have" of making marginal notes in my library books, when the subject warrants it. I shall feel grateful to you for a response to this.
Letter from Joaquin Miller to Unknown
P.S. As you spoke [ ?] about my autograph, I pen this letter to amuse you one of a newly of whom you were speaking - its now just reached me - as it
Letter from George Gilpin Robinson to Rachel Gilpin Robinson
[On envelope]
[stamp] Savannah Jan 2 GEO Received 10 am 11th [stamp] 10 Answer
Rachel Robinson Received 1st am 11th North Ferrisburg Ans[--]d 2 am 4th |47.1 Vermont
Letter from John Godfrey Saxe to Messrs. R. & F.
Saxe John G. Vincennes Ind Oct. 71
Letter from John F. Trow to Henry David Thoreau
? [WORDS I CAN MAKE OUT, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER] [coccoons?] Notice alder [?] D[T?]ried choke berries Pine woods dark brown now ([Birch?] open when cold [?]) jays noisy [?] hawk ([?] Dec 8 [?]) melon rind [sky?] a Jan thaw Grow [?] after thaw April [?[?] spring [?] spring Boys play with [?] [willow?] [?] shine Frozen thawed apple [?] [?] came out snow flows in deep cut [?] pool forming in [?]
mink chestnuts with leave deer mouse A [Glaze?] ? wart in winter Walden at sunset larks Robins (Take with wood [chipper?]) oozing water [freeze?] river other tracks
diff kinds of ice Red in ice (Place [?] freeze at [River?]) nuthatches Fox [hound?] Pollywogs river bream barred owl goldfinches screech owl crows
high blueberry bushes in winter
" " higher Rain [?] mist here on foggy days mist [?] objects [?] like lichen Rain [?] snow
Dec 11 - or 12
Blue shadows. Bird pecking on [?] [?] on ice [?] frozen everywhere Turtle under ice [?] " " Pink snow - Green ice
the days Dec 11 - mornings of a leaf part on trees
A Thaw ([?] Jan.) (with maple [?]) 1st Lichen day about Dec 10 Bare ground
White[?] [?] Winter setting in on [?] Dec 4. or 5" of Nov. Snow having A great snow storm [?] icicle
Vapor from open part [?] Plants, birds, [?] nature. Tracks
Winds High wind Piercing NW wind
colors of winter [?] [?] [?] color [?] bark for pale leather color & [?] Green in winter NOV
[?] meadow [?] of Geese [?] owl
Bull frog out
1 ~ Brown creeper Hooting Owl Wood [?] still S. the days S. [?] wren
Woodchipping [?] White
Notice [?] of work Just Reflections in open port of marina green mother o pearl [?]