4 Louisburg Square, Boston, Sept.24, 188[0?]
My dear Stedman:
I have been reading your paper on Longfellow with a curious illegible Schmooz, for I lived over the whole course of my liking for the verse and the man as I read. I believe I should on the whole rate him higher than you do; with all his simplicity (and even superficiality as regards passion) he was great[/underline] artist. I think that whoever else of our day shall live to after times he is
[underline]sure[/underline] of [surviving?]. Those later sonnets! - I don't dispute your estimation, and your criticism has a reverent beauty that I should not know how to praise aright
You remember, you dear, good fellow, that I too was once a poet! That is very good of you - very friendly and sweet! I [made?][every?] wish to see you and thank you.
I hope you are well.
Yours sincerely
W. D. Howells