Dec. 7, 1836
My Dear Sir,
I shall forward to you by this
evening's mail the sheets of my 12th No. It
will be [spread ?] on Saturday morning.
I should say much like to get
the favor of you to review this No. of the [messenger?]
with great care. It is [??] for me to urge
you to be impartial. I am sure you will
be that.
"Crime and Consequence" is certainly
equal to any tale I have ever read -
and I am sure you will say so too.
If I could have any influence with you,
I would like to see it [extracted ?] in
any of your city papers, in about one
fortnight from next Wednesday -
and not earlier.
If you should prefer seeing
your review in the "Sunday News" or the
"New York Express", I should have no ob-
jection. I am almost certain that
a personal application from yourself
would secure its insertion in either of
these papers. I believe both editors are
friendly to the [messenger ?].
Do not let your notice appear earlier
than next Wednesday.
Your Friend,
T. W. White
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