Letter from Thomas Willis White to William Scott

This is a scanned version of the original document in the Abernethy Manuscripts Collection at Middlebury College.


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Richmond, Nov. 24, 1836.

My Dear Sir,

When I reached home I found my wife very ill in bed, and all my office affairs in great confusion. This will, I hope, be a sufficient apology for your not hearing from me before.

By this day's mail I shall send a package of Messengers to Saunders & Otley. Be sure and get it from the office. The Messengers I wish Mr. S. to dispose of exactly as he has done with the sets I had the honor to send him long since by packet - all of which I hope reached him in safety.

Let me know if you called on Miss Medina - and presented to her the [ten?] [issued?] Nos? I hope you did not forget it. Call on her again, if you can possibly spare the time, and urge her, [underline]as from yourself[/underline], to send me something for the Messenger. It is [requisite?[ I should have her first article here by the 10th Dec. Tell her to send it by mail.

Recollect and [act?] [about?] the collections (when the sets reach you) as I have asked you to do.

Send me the $15 or a $10 & $5 of one of your City Banks; - and send it on as soon as you can get it - for we are all without money in Richmond.

I am your friend, T. W. White.

Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
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Mr. William Scott, Care of Saunders & Otley, New-York.

Last edit 7 months ago by MaryV
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