mother attended meeting a part of the day last Sabbath -
she has within two or three days been into town + called on
the [aged?] Mrs Toppan - indeed I think your mother is as well
as I have seen her for several weeks. --- Your other
friends much as when you left. Josiah [Hale?] is improving
the gains in flesh faster than in strength. --- I think he has gained
7 1/2 lbs in two or three weeks. ---Mr [Miltimon?] is still
much afflicted with the rheumatism in his arm - he has
been favored with intelligence from his sons - Andrew ar-
-rived at B. a week since - is very well - + daily expected home.
[Rousseau?] has been spoken within a very few days -- his
arrival is almost hourly expected - Murray may rea-
sonably be looked for soon. --- I received a letter from [Steven?]
this morning. He is very well. When he wrote he was on a
visit at Lewiston - your friends there are all well. He rem-
-arks that his studies are easy, + that it requires but a small
part of his time to make preparation for his recitatations. He
intends to spend the winter at Lewiston if he should not get
a school. --- Mr [Balehe's?] family are all very well ---
--- With respect to myself I have but little to say except
to assure you that I am very well + that I have removed
my lodging, from Mr Steven's to Mr T. Emery's, where I
assure you I promise simply much pleasure from the good
society that abounds in the neighborhood. - Now, my
dear friend, I must [?] assuring you, if your will please to give me
some signification that it will be acceptable, that I will
be your constant correspondent. My regards to your Brother
+ Sister, to Joshua + all with whom are acquanted, and believe me to be yours
with much westten Samuel Pickard.
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