Since any thing but indifference towards one in whom I have no confidence, and for whom I have no
regard? - I may say not the least respect? She found no openness among us, and has ceased her efforts,
quite a relief, I assure thee. She and Betsy are "familiar friends", have been to W. Clark's and brother
N's together: rather an imposition upon the visited in my opinion. Mother is very sweet, her
childlike rambling and picking of flowers continue, in sunshine and in shower, - her health rather better than
when thou left home. Burling Webb was here yesterday, said Mary is better, they feel quite
encouraged about her. I have not seen E. Wheeler since thou left, - believe she is as well as usual. Thomas a
Rachel Whalley have inquired after thee very kindly several times.
I feel sorry that this has been so long delayed for I am aware how anxious thou must feel on our
account, but thou must know too that my time is pretty fully occupied, when able to do anything.
Jane and Henry Miles took supper with us yesterday afternoon, we had quite a pleasant visit from them
their little Ellen grows finely, begins to walk, grows more like the Miles' family in countenance.
Our dear Rachel had not an unalloyed cup of enjoyment, while in N. Y. though she had more of
satisfaction than might have been anticipated by some of us. Annabella was with her some: They seem to Mahlon Days at first, but were so cooly treated, that they were glad to find a comfortable, pleasant
home, at the Widow Bowne's; - George's step-mother. George as very attentive to them; - Eliza is married
there are several younger daughters at home: all were kind and agreeable. and made them welcome.
The Hannah Robinson of whom thou spoke, is no more! she deceased n Philadelphia, on her way home from
Charleston, where she had been spending the Winter. The Minturns have returned from Cuba, Gertrude's
health much improved. Agatha is to be married to a young Austrian, next Autumn, if nothing unforseen
prevents, - and go with him to reside in Vienna. A great distance from all friends! He says that when
he amasses more wealth he will return to America, and spend the remainder of their days. Very uncerta
I should think. Rowland went on to New-port after Y. M. to see to uncle Joseph's business, and same other
things, and spent a week with cousin Hetty's family. - he was from home nearly four weeks.
Ann says "give a great deal of love to Aunt Ann from me." We have heard nothing from our dear Fanny
since thou left us, Ann wrote to her some weeks since: hope one of us will recieve an answer ere long. Poor
girl! she is much in my thoughts,- for she has drank deeply of sorrow's cup. I heard nothing from E.
Comfort, and do not know what to think of it. Please give our love to thy brother John and family, also to Robert
all write in much love to thee. Do write as frequently as is convienient, though do not exert thyself when
[right side] unable, if thou art quite sick some one else will surely be
kind enough to inform us. I hope thou will derive much
satisfaction from mingling thus with thy relatives, and
that the retrospect will also afford thee pleasure. Do be
careful of over-exertion, thou knowest that is a failing of thine
Farwell dear sister, and feel as little anxiety as possible
respecting us. Affectionately thy sister Rachel.
N Ferrisburgh Vt 18¾
July 15
Arrived 28th of 7th Mo. 1844
Ann King
Care of John King
McKean Co.
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