Amesbury [date ?] Dear Fields: I am most agree ably surprised at thy success in transfering my verses into a fifty dollar check which has just come to hand. It beats altogether the tricks of the old [ ?]. I am [rejoiced?] to hear of the success of the
Pat here just called on me with the agreeable intelligence that our courtly old
friend has so far recovered as to be able return to his home. If now we can raise two hundred dollars for him it will enable him to hold the old house where his ancestors for many generations have lived, and set the old man on his legs again, & warm & gladden his heart. His bodily & mental health [ seems?] now very nearly restored, & he fully appreciates every kindness. Tell Hackell that he has done so well, already I hope he will be able to raise his figure to $100. I feel sure he would be the very man for the object. [ ? ]