Letter from Joaquin Miller to Unknown

This is a scanned version of the original document in the Abernethy Manuscripts Collection at Middlebury College.


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11 Museum St June 12. '73 My Dear Sir Thanks for your kind letter and the kind expression about Mr Clemens - Mark Twain - I have been telling him of my acquaintance with you and he will be surely glad to meet you. I will bring him to the Club on next Sunday a week I think, and trust you may be there. I have met your friend, Mr [Matty ?] recently and like him very much indeed. I am going to name my new book, which will be chiefly about my life with the Indians "Unwritten History. Please remember me to Lucy [Palluh, Pollich, Pollack ?] and Mr [Fredrick ?] Palluh and believe yours sincerely, Joaquin Miller

Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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P.S. As you spoke [ ?] about my autograph, I pen this letter to amuse you one of a newly of whom you were speaking - its now just reached me - as it

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Last edit over 3 years ago by shashathree
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