Collections tagged Religion

Luke Wadding Papers

Luke Wadding Papers

This project draws from a digital facsimile of UCD-OFM, MSS. D.01 <>. It represents selections from the first five volumes of Luke Wadding’s Papers. This amounts to 1,080 pages which have been disbound, cleaned and strengthened by professional conservator...

8 works:
Loreto 1916

Loreto 1916

The Institute of the Blessed Virgin was founded by Mary Ward in 1609. It is a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated to apostolic works’, living according to the Ignatian tradition [IBVM Constitutions 2009, Volume II: Chapter I; 1.1]. Mary Ward’s idea of religious life was based on...

3 works:
The Collected Letters of Nano Nagle

The Collected Letters of Nano Nagle

A collection of the surviving letters of Honora (Nano) Nagle (1718-1784), foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM). Nano Nagle brought the Ursuline congregation to Ireland, before founding the Presentations. This collection represents a digital reunification...

17 works:
Leonidas Polk Family Papers

Leonidas Polk Family Papers

Leonidas Polk, first Bishop of Louisiana, founded the University of the South. Born to a wealthy planter family in North Carolina, Polk first attended West Point, but turned his attention toward the episcopacy. In the immediate antebellum period the Episcopal church spread south and west,...

191 works:
Mutual Improvement Association Minutes

Mutual Improvement Association Minutes

The Mutual Improvement Association is a women's organization founded in Sandy Spring, Maryland in 1857 and is among the oldest, continually meeting groups of its kind in the United States. The original group was comprised of Quakers and thus meetings are modeled, in part, on a Quaker Meeting...

79 works:
Life and Death in Florence

Life and Death in Florence

Biographical details, including date of birth and of entry to the convent, names of parents, and date of death. The second of two volumes, the first probably lost or stolen as a result of political turmoil.

2 works:
Brigham Young Probate Case File

Brigham Young Probate Case File

The first governor of the Utah Territory and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) died August 29, 1877. At the time, the church practiced an arrangement wherein the president held property and real estate as "trustee-in-trust." This allowed Young to direct and...

13 works:
Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie’s Bestiary

Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie’s Bestiary

During the 2021 IUB Transcribathon (April 15-17, 2021), five teams will collaborate to transcribe a copy of Guillaume le Clerc de Normandie's early thirteenth-century Bestiary, which details the appearance and habits of a series of real and fantastical creatures, as well as moral lessons they...

5 works:
Life as a Quaker Family: The Brookes

Life as a Quaker Family: The Brookes

Welcome! Introduction to the Brooke Family The Brooke Family were landowners and members of the Quaker community in Sandy Spring, Maryland. Their family was made up of Robert (father), Mary (mother), and their ten children. When they first...

11 works:
Bishop Hellmuth Library Catalogue

Bishop Hellmuth Library Catalogue

This is a hand written list of titles contained in Bishop Hellmuth's (1817-1901) personal library. It was purchased by Barnett in 1895, at the sale of the Bishop's library, as stated in Barnett's inscription in the book. Bishop Isaac Hellmuth was the Founder of Huron College, Hellmuth Boys'...

1 work:
The Edward Mitchell Papers

The Edward Mitchell Papers

Edward Mitchell was the first student of African descent to attend Dartmouth College. In 1824, students protested the Board of Trustees' decision not to admit Mitchell because of his race. The students’ activism was supported by the faculty, the Board relented, and Mitchell took his rightful...

86 works:
David Kimball  Diary, 1803-1804

David Kimball Diary, 1803-1804

A journal kept by noted Ipswich, Massachusetts minister David T. Kimball during his final year of studies at Harvard University and Harvard Divinity School, and a year of teaching at Phillips Academy when he studied divinity under the Rev. Jonathan French. Rev. David Tenney Kimball...

1 work:
Colonial North America: Tozzer Library

Colonial North America: Tozzer Library

Colonial North America at Harvard Library provides access to remarkable and wide-ranging materials digitized as part of an ongoing, multi-year project. When complete, the project will make available to the world approximately 650,000 digitized pages of all known archival and manuscript materials...

1 work:
Mauritius BM Project

Mauritius BM Project

The Bois Marchand Cemetery was established in 1867, due to the malaria epidemic. The land was donated by the Marchand family. The Archive consists of Burial Registers (BR) and Graves Purchased Books (GPB), in the form of bound printed forms. They were written in English and on a daily basis from...

10 works:
Sabato Morais Collection

Sabato Morais Collection

Sabato Morais (Hebrew: שבתאי מוראיס; April 13, 1823 – November 11, 1897) was an Italian-American rabbi of Portuguese descent, leader of Mikveh Israel Synagogue in Philadelphia, pioneer of Italian Jewish Studies in America, and founder of the Jewish Theological Seminary, which initially acted as...

1058 works:
John D. Lee Case File

John D. Lee Case File

All transcription of the John D. Lee case files are DONE. Please don't join expecting any more works to be added. Explore the Subjects tab to see all the names and places getting linked from within documents. Case files document criminal cases as they proceed through the court system and...

66 works:
Wake Forest Archives

Wake Forest Archives

Transcription projects from the Wake Forest University Archives. Current document sets include: Early Wake Forest History and North Carolina Baptist Church Records.

33 works:
St. Paul Catholic Church Baptismal Ledger 1854-1909

St. Paul Catholic Church Baptismal Ledger 1854-1909

St. Paul Catholic Church is one of the oldest existing churches in Lexington. The records for the parish go back to 1854. The ledgers are part of the church's historical archive, and contain unique records for Lexington's history. Bishop Stowe, the bishop of the Lexington diocese, has given...

2 works:
B'nai Israel Archives

B'nai Israel Archives

Congregation B'nai Israel is launching a project to transcribe our historic Minute Books from cursive writing into typed text.

5 works:
Mary Magruder Collection

Mary Magruder Collection

For this Transcribe-A-Thon, we will be transcribing documents from Sandy Spring resident Mary Magruder. Born in Brookeville in 1865, Mary would spend the entire 80 years of her life as an active member of the Sandy Spring community. First serving as a teacher, she would later become the county’s...

4 works:
Father William T. Punch Letter Collection

Father William T. Punch Letter Collection

Letters from and/or about Father William T. Punch and the Punch family. Donated by a Lexington resident to Lexington Public Library.

1 work:
St. Paul Catholic Church Baptismal Ledger 1907-1925

St. Paul Catholic Church Baptismal Ledger 1907-1925

St. Paul Catholic Church is one of the oldest existing churches in Lexington. The records for the parish go back to 1854. The ledgers are part of the church's historical archive, and contain unique records for Lexington's history. Bishop Stowe, the bishop of the Lexington diocese, has given...

1 work:
Talmud Torah of Minneapolis records

Talmud Torah of Minneapolis records

These registration ledgers come from Talmud Torah in Minneapolis. Talmud Torah acted as the religious school in the Jewish community, teaching young students Hebrew and about their religious heritage and customs. Located in the North Side neighborhood of Minneapolis, where many Jewish families...

2 works: