Collections tagged Newspapers

1906 Earthquake
Eyewitness accounts of the 1906 earthquake at Stanford; eyewitness account of earthquake damage to the Stanford and Hopkins houses in San Francisco; and magazine and newspaper accounts of the earthquake and its aftermath.

Sally Hemings Underground Newsletter
In May 1970, in response to the shooting of four unarmed students at Kent State University by National Guardsmen, about 1,000 UVA students engaged in several days’ worth of rallies and marches on the Lawn and on Grounds. They joined students across the country in protesting expansion of the...

Wisconsin Women's History
Manuscripts and ephemera documenting the lives of women in Wisconsin. Visit the Help Page for Transcription Help for this collection. NEW! Jane Lloyd Jones: Correspondence of Jane Lloyd Jones concerning the difficulties encountered in the operation of Hillside Home School in the...

In Cap and Gown student journal
Issues of journal started by the Western University Literary Society that eventually becomes student newspaper, the University of Western Ontario Gazette.
The Courant
Collection of the 1859 issues of The Courant Southern Literary Journal. Includes poems, short stories, serial novels, and essays.

Newspaper Clippings from Doten Diaries
These are the remaining clippings from Alfred Doten's diaries that have not yet been transcribed (about 10% of the total clippings), beginning with his Book 38 and ending with Book 79. New pages will be added as the project continues. Thank you for helping!

Colonial Secretary's Inwards Correspondence (S5253)
This is the main series of letters received by the Colonial Secretary's Office, and was started following separation from New South Wales in December 1859. The Colonial Secretary’s correspondence contains fascinating stories from the people living and working in the new state of Queensland, in...
Miller Family Collection
For our next Transcribe-A-Thon, we will be transcribing the papers of longtime Sandy Spring residents, the Miller family. Originally from Alexandria, Virginia, the Miller Family would later move to Sandy Spring in the mid 19th century and become established members of the community. During their...